Member Benefits
MakeFixHack Membership
Membership $15/month or $150/year
Click here to become a member
Member Benefits
Regular Member hours: Currently Thursday 6-9 & Saturday 3-6, more coming soon
Use of space materials/supplies: All sorts of stuff in the drawers and on the shelves, from nuts & bolts, to fabric & buttons, to arduinos & electronic components, and more!
Training on and access to advanced equipment in the space, like 3d printers, bench power supply, CNC router (soon), and more
Advance notice and possible discount on workshops/classes
Ability to host maker and maker-adjacent events/workshops in the space (ex. D&D, 2600 meeting, knitting group, etc) (additional fee may apply)
(coming soon) member discount at local stores (hardware store, fabric store, art store, etc) and/or online/national suppliers.
(in the works) Participation in group orders from suppliers (ex. Mouser, PCBWay, craft suppliers, etc) to save on shipping & possible discount. Feel free to make suggestions.
“Booster” level: +$15/month ($30 total)
To help keep the space affordable/help cover membership for someone who can’t afford it
No material benefit over standard membership, but it feels good and we’ll put your name or dedication on our website if you want.
“Patron” level: +$30/month ($45 total)
Helps keep the space affordable
Helps us acquire new/better equipment/expand our capabilities
No material benefit over standard membership, but it feels really good and we’ll put your name or dedication on our website if you want.
On-site Storage (limited availability) Talk to us in person
Small $5/month - Sterilite “shoebox”
Medium $10/month – Sterilite 16 qt bin
Large $20/month– 15 Gal large black/yellow bin or similar