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MakeFixHack Newsletter - Open Hours Saturday 3-6, Talk & Tinker Tuesday 6-9

tl;dr: Great turnout at Talk & Tinker, Open Hours Sat 3-6 & Talk & Tinker Tuesday 6-9, membership details coming soon Hi All! We’ve been having great turn out at all our recent events, with new people coming by, and lots of cross-over interest, with people coming to Mending Monday or Open Hours, then coming back for Talk & Tinker, either to get some repair advice, continue working on a project, or to just say hi! It’s wonderful to se what interests everyone and hear your ideas for what can be done with our space. Upcoming Events Saturday 2/1 from 3 - 6 pm, we’re having our first Open Hours session. This is basically what it sounds like, we’re open and you can come in to use the space. Bring a project to work on, peruse our supplies and tools to get an idea for a project, or just check out the space and chat for a bit. Since a variety of tools may be in use during this session, we do have safety glasses available to borrow if needed and...

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MakeFixHack Newsletter - Open Hours Saturday 3-6, Talk & Tinker Tuesday 6-9

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